PROMETA promotes the revaluation of the breeding of camelid cattle (llama and alpaca) and the sustainable use of vicuña fiber in the altiplano region of southern Bolivia, as a strategy to diversify and increase the economic income of families, the conservation of native prairie, adaptation to climate change, and the linking of products and by-products of the Andean region with consumer markets.
It is supported with the construction of livestock productive infrastructure (water ponds, hay for the conservation of fodder, processing room for products and by-products, flame meat dehydrator},
the transfer of technology for the sowing of fodder for the supplementary feeding of camelid cattle. It also supports the creation and strengthening of producer associations. In the last twelve years, PROMETA, in partnership with the municipality and local communities, has managed to reintroduce a livestock herd of approximately 14 specimens in the highlands of Tarija, helping to conserve the native prairie and raise the standard of living of the community members.