1. Integrated Management of watersheds and the efficient use of water
PROMETA works in the protection of superficial and underground water resources involving the public and private sector as well as the consumers. Our work centers in capacity building, technical research, the implementation of impact mitigation projects, raising awareness in the population and local authorities, with the purpose of promoting political and practical practices which allow for an integrated management of the water resources.
In the last 15 years we have effectively contributed in developing practical examples of efficient water use. Furthermore, we have worked together with local entities to develop policies and global programs concerning this issue. In the framework of this program, we have trained forest firemen and set up a fire prevention system as part of the action plan.
Lastly, PROMETA also issues professional advice to the Municipality and Governance in this matter.
2. Support and creation of conservation units.
PROMETA works in the creation and the sustainability of conservation units in critical sites. During its 27 years, it has contributed to the development of over 21 protected areas, nationally and locally in 8 out of the 9 Departments of Bolivia.
3. Conservation of threatened species
PROMETA works in conservation initiatives for 4 threatened species in three biogeographical regions of Bolivia: The Andean guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) in the Altiplano (high plains of Bolivia), the Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri) in the Chaco and the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in the sub-Andean forest.
Through our research we have confirmed the presence of these species and an approximation of their conservation status with information based on the Red Book of Wildlife and Vertebrates of Bolivia. Meanwhile technical studies are carried out for the creation of three municipal protected areas: two in the Department of Potosí and one in Tarija. Furthermore, in the region of the dry Chaco, in the Natural Reserve of “El Corbalán” work is underway for the establishment of a Peace Park between Bolivia and Paraguay in the territory where the Chaco War took place in the 1930s.
In the last two years, the work by Ximena Velez in the framework of Chester Zoo and PROMETA has earned her the Whitley Award in 2017.
4. Adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
PROMETA fosters measures directed towards reducing the vulnerability to natural or human threats, increasing the resilience of human groups, reducing the risk of disasters and minimizing the potential damage with the coordination between decision makers and local actors.
We have developed a methodology for the evaluation of the vulnerabilities, threats and risks associated with climate change and for the elaboration of Adaptation Plans to climate change at the national and local levels.
5. Camelid Farming
PROMETA promotes the reappraisal of Camelid farming (llama and alpaca) and the sustainable use of vicuña wool in the southern part of the Bolivian Altiplano as a way to diversify and increase the economic revenue of families, the conservation of the native prairie and an adaptation to climate change. Also, the connection of products and by-products of the Andean region with larger consumer markets.
We support these efforts by building productive infrastructure (water reservoirs, haylofts, a space to process products and by-products, meat dehydrators) and with the technological transfer for forage cultivation for camelid food supplementation. Likewise, we support the creation and strengthening of producer associations.
In the last twelve years of this program, in alliance with the municipality and local communities PROMETA has accomplished the reintroduction of a herd of over 12.000 individuals in Tarija’s Altiplano (high plain), helping to preserve the native prairie and improving the quality of life in the communities.
6. Entrepreneurship
PROMETA promotes the implementation of productive ventures in agriculture, livestock and non – agricultural production detected from the production potential of the assisted territories. These initiatives are lead by young people and therefore have an effective incidence in the inclusion of this age group in the socio economic development. For the implementation of these business ventures we have developed an initiative incubator model in the Municipality for rural economic initiatives, as a strategy for job creation and self-employment.
7. Capacity building
In an alliance with technical schools that depend on Bolivia’s Ministry of Education, local and regional governments, PROMETA supports the technical education of young people through the creation and implementation of technical careers (farming in the high plains, community tourism, community agriculture) and the participants receive a diploma at the technical level: auxiliary, basic and intermediate levels. These technical degrees are established in accordance with the productive potential of the territories. We provide support in the elaboration of the training content, the implementation and the evaluation of technical degrees. It is also important to emphasize that the training process is 70% practical and takes place in the parcels, pens and native grazing lands.
8. Environment and health
As an institutional policy, PROMETA has incorporated a holistic approach to the relationship and interaction between human activities and the physical, chemical and biological environment in the southern Bolivian Altiplano (high land). This is why we addressed highland livestock (llama, sheep, goats) and its interaction with natural resources (water and the native prairie), human and animal health.
This work is coordinated and followed up with academic institutions of the public and private sector, regional and local institutions with competence in public health, animal health and environmental conservation.
9. Culture and Development
PROMETA supports development with a cultural identity. We believe that the true appreciation of our heritage is one of the fundamental underpinnings of local development. This program aims to build the capacities of cultural actors and raise awareness on the importance of recovering, valuing, preserving and promoting the cultural patrimony at the local levell.