During its 27 years of life, PROMETA has carried out diverse contributions to the development of the country and the department, in areas as important as biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, community and family production, planning and development of methodology related to climate change, the cultural management related to development and eco health. Some of the most important are:
- The creation and management of the Tariquía Flora and Fauna National Reserve, The Sama Biological Reserve, and Aguaragüe National Park and Natural Area of Integrated Management, the main protected areas of Tarija, which also constitute the mayor sources of water for Tarija.
- The support for the creation of 18 conservation units at the national, departmental, and municipal level in the 9 departments of the country. PROMETA has been a pioneer at national level in the creation of conservation units at the Municipal level, and has given support to Santa Cruz’s Departamental Service of Protected Areas, which is the most important in the country.
- The development of doctrinal and legal concepts for the implementation of local conservation models: protected Municipal Area and the Civil Ecological Servitude.
- Legal proceedings for the declaration and management of Local Conservation Units and for the report and sanction of illicit acts in Municipal Protected Areas.
- The reintroduction of camelid livestock in Tarija. Up until 16 years ago, camelid livestock had been eradicated from Tarija’s high plains. PROMETA, in alliance with local communities and the Municipalities of Yunchará and El Puente has managed to re-introduce a herd of 14.000 individuals, substituting sheep and donkeys, exotic animals which damaged the native meadow. This project, one of the most successful of its type here in Bolivia, this project has enabled to raise the livelihoods of the local population and to preserve the surroundings. The “Chapaca” llamas have won the main awards at the National specialty fairs.
- The implementation of support programs for sustainable production, excelling in beekeeping and agricultural improvement within and in the area of influence of the Tariquía Flora and Fauna National Reserve, cattle and pig farming in Tarija’s subtropical and Chaco area.
- Strengthening of the local economic organizations and support in the creation of 10 associations of local producers of camelids, beekeeping, sheep, pig, quinoa, etc.
- Appraisal of the water resources in the city of Tarija and surrounding communities.
- Contributing to the appraisal of environmental functions and the establishment of policies of the responsible use of water.
- Development of strategies and actions for the comprehensive management of water.
- Encouragement for the formation of the Interinstitutional Committee of Prevention and Fire Control and the implementation of a prevention and fire control plan for the Central Valley of Tarija, which is underway since 2003. Support in the training of forest firemen from 2002 until 2006.
- Developing local and department methodologies for Planning in the subject of Climate Change.
- The elaboration of Municipal Plans on Climate Change (Villamontes, Cercado, Yunchará, Monteagudo and Huacaya). Development of the first Departmental Plan on Climate Change in Tarija.
- Implementation of projects at a local level for the adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change.