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“To contribute to the conservation of biological diversity for the improvement in the quality of life of Bolivians”.


\\\\\\\"Bolivia’s population lives in harmony with the environment and has accomplished to overcome poverty conditions\\\\\\\".


To contribute in the conservation of represented ecosystems in the region.
To promote, strengthen and support the participation of the population in environmental management.
To contribute to the fight against poverty in the communities located in vulnerable areas for the sustainable development of the country


Integrated Management of watersheds and the efficient use of water
Support and Creation of Conservation Units
Conservation of threatened species
Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change
Camelid Farming
Capacity Building
Environment and Health
Culture and Development








Threatened with blockade by Pilcomayo river diversion

A town hall meeting held yesterday in Villamontes, Tarija, determined to give a five-day ultimatum to both departmental and national authorities to address the issues surrounding the Pilcomayo River, situated on the border with Argentina and Paraguay. “The Weenhayek people and Villamontes will initiate indefinite border blockades if Decree 0900 issued a year ago, outlining […]

Management in the Pilcomayo River unites 3 countries of the region

The Foreign Ministry is hosting the trinational meeting of Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay, where they analyze the issues and preservation of the river that runs through these countries. The Trinational Commission for the Development of the Pilcomayo River Basin has been discussing the comprehensive management of the Pilcomayo River, which crosses Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay […]

Tarija: Civil society and state organizations articulate to take action on climate change

Climate change, as a social, economic, and ecological issue, was discussed and analyzed during the workshop “Departmental Development Planning with Adaptation and Risk Management Associated with Climate Change,” held on the 7th and 8th of March, led by the institution PROMETA, in coordination with the Tarija Departmental Government and the Héroes de la Independencia Commonwealth.


Morpho Helenor Prometa

The “Morpho helenor prometa” butterfly was discovered and described the year 2011 by PROMETA’s researchers Yubinca Gareca and Patrick Blandin, in Tarija’s sub-Andean region. It has greenish and purple details in an almost black backdrop and its size oscillates between 10 to 13 cm. The researchers decided to name it “PROMETA” not just as an appreciation of PROMETA’s support, but also as a recognition for the institution’s contribution to the biological diversity of Bolivia.

The National Honorable Senate of Bolivia recognizes PROMETA’s work

On January 28 of the current year, the National Honorable Senate of Bolivia recognized PROMETA’s work on environmental conservation and sustainable development. This recognition commits us to continue our work in the development of alliances between society and environment.