Institutional Transparency

Institutional Transparency

Institutional Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

The Institutional Strategic Plan 2023-2027 of PROMETA is focused on biodiversity conservation. It highlights the importance of analyzing the local context and conditions, the comprehensive management of natural resources, the incorporation of initiatives into the collective imagination, the role of local NGOs, and alliance building. With this plan, PROMETA seeks to become an effective tool to develop enduring conservation models in Bolivia.

Download the Plan Estratégico Institucional 2023-2027.
(This document is in spanish)

2022 annual report.

The 2022 annual report of the Bolivian environmental organization PROMETA summarizes the main actions and achievements during the year, highlighting the projects implemented within the framework of 9 strategic programs. It presents the history of the organization since its foundation in 1990 and its evolution in recent decades, currently focusing on sustainable territorial development. It describes the mission, vision and strategic objectives of PROMETA, focused on environmental conservation, community participation and the fight against poverty in Bolivia. The document highlights the efficient administrative and financial management of the organization.

Download the 2022 annual report.
(This document is in spanish)

2022 financial report.

This document contains a professional report from external auditors on the financial statements and operations of the audited organization during the year 2022..

Download the 2022 financial report.
(This document is in spanish)



Hugo William Navajas Bennett

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Anthropology and Master's degree in Regional and Local Planning, has more than thirty years of experience evaluating biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and sustainability projects and programs. He has worked for international cooperation agencies, global foundations and NGOs in over 40 countries. His clients include the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Bank, the Moore Foundation, Conservation International and the International Center for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) among others. He previously held positions as Programme Officer and Deputy Representative of UNDP in Mozambique, Kenya and Honduras.

His role on the Board of Directors is establishing contacts with cooperation agencies, and providing advice on the preparation of programs, projects and evaluation mechanisms.

(Chairman of the Board of Directors)

Gonzalo Ulises Crespo Fernández

Here is my attempt to translate the text into academic English:

Bachelor's degree in Law, Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, with Diplomas in Criminal Procedural Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law, Strategic Planning and Project Development.

Advisor to the Danish Embassy on labor issues, Advisor to the Argentine Embassy on matters of national law, Permanent Advisor in Business Management and Legal Representative in Bolivia of the company Energoproyect Niskogradjna S.A., Head of the Legal Department of Corazón de Jesus Hospital - Padre Adolfo Kolping Foundation, University Lecturer at the Central University - UNICEN. Founding Partner of the consulting firm specialized in legal and business management advice Crespo & Associates.

One of his major roles on the Board of Directors of PROMETA is to provide advice on compliance with the current legal regulations in the country regarding labor rights and certifications from the Government of Bolivia for the regular functioning of non-profit organizations in the country.

Vladimiro Moisés Camacho Montero

Bachelor's degree in Chemical Sciences, Master's degree in Business Administration specializing in integrated management of Quality, Occupational Safety and Environment from Viña del Mar University, Chile.

Consultant specialist in environmental impact assessment, managing environmental studies related to licensing approvals and environmental assessments for projects in the energy, mining and industry sectors. Extensive experience in executing environmental monitoring for infrastructure projects.

Lecturer in Environmental Impact Assessment and Quality Control subjects in the Agroindustrial Engineering program at the Batallas Peasant Academic Unit (UAC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" and the Civil Engineering program at the Bolivian Technological University.

His role on the Board of Directors is to provide guidance and programmatic orientation on the actions carried out in the programs established in the IEP, especially with regard to science and technological innovation.

Claudia Ranaboldo

Pedagogue with specialization in cultural anthropology and rural sociology. Italian, with more than 30 years of residence in Bolivia, she has worked for decades in Latin America, building bridges with Europe. She has led NGOs and has been a public authority in areas of rural development, gender and environment. She coordinated the Territorial Development Program with Cultural Identity for 12 years, being the main researcher at Rimisp-Latin American Center for Rural Development.

She has developed studies on issues related to agroecological scaling, networks and sustainability, territorial development, empowerment of rural women, strategies for valorization and management of cultural heritage and biodiversity. She has extensive experience in advisory services in these areas, collaborating with national and international agencies, an activity she continues to this day, especially with regard to independent external evaluation of projects, programs and country and regional strategies.

She is currently the general coordinator of the Biocultural Diversity and Territories Platform (, from where the international meeting and dialogue space Juntanza ( was created - among other initiatives. She is a guest lecturer at European and Latin American universities. She was the scientific manager for the French entity Diversity & Development, partner of the SUS-TER project (, Erasmus+ (Capacity Building) co-financed by the European Union. Within these frameworks, in recent years she has worked on inclusive development systems, which influence new university curricula and new training methods, more committed and effective according to territorial transformations and the role of local actors.

Who Are We?

Environment Protection Tarija – PROMETA is a non-profit organization that works in the conservation of biodiversity and the advocacy of sustainable development to contribute to environmental conservation and improving the quality of life of Bolivians. Its purpose is to preserve nature and promote the sustainable use of the natural resources.

PROMETA works with institutions, authorities and communities that constribute to the institutional mission and vision. The implemented programs and projects are executed under the principle of equal participation, rescuing traditional knowledge, and fair distribution of benefits.


The work carried out by PROMETA is based on a vision of a poverty free society that lives in harmony with nature. It is a resounding vision around the world today, which calls us to abandon individualistic tendencies in defense of the environment. This vision unites us to recognize how the diversity and natural beauty of our planet enriches our lives and elevates the human spirit. It is a vision that teaches us how the products and services of biodiversity’s make human life possible on earth. This vision unites us by showing us how, in such little time human activity has produced levels of environmental destruction and degradation that threaten the very future of living creatures. Finally, it is a vision that challenges and forces us to find creative ways to bring together economic development and environmental care. PROMETA is part of a worldwide effort that searches to spread this vision, to awaken human conscience about our common destiny to share the planet and the atmosphere.


“To contribute to the conservation of biological diversity for the improvement in the quality of life of Bolivians.”


To contribute with the conservation of the ecosystems represented in the region.

To promote, strengthen and support the people´s participation in environmental management.

To contribute with the fight against poverty in the communities involved in our projects and programs.

Support and creation of conservation units.

PROMETA, works on the creation and sustainability of conservation units in critical sites. Over the years it has contributed to the development of more than protected areas, of a national, departmental and local nature, in eight of the nine departments of Bolivia.

Economic ventures

PROMETA promotes the implementation of agricultural, livestock and non-agricultural productive ventures that are identified from the productive potential of the territories of intervention. These initiatives are led by young people and therefore have an effective impact on the inclusion of this age group of the population in local socio-economic development. For the implementation of these ventures, a municipal model of incubator for rural economic initiatives has been developed, as a strategy for generating employment and self-employment.

The Sama Mountain Range Biological Reserve (Tarija)

This biological reserve was created by Supreme Decree Nº 22721 on January 30, 1991 to preserve the ecosystems of the protected area, the endangered flora and fauna, the sources of water for the city of Tarija and nearby communities. To preserve the Tajzara basin which is the only RAMSAR site in Tarija, to guarantee the sustainable use of natural resources and improve the quality of life of the population.

It has an area of 108.500 hectares of which about 43% of its area corresponds to Puna grassland and the rest is divided between dry inter – Andean forest and the Tucuman – Bolivian forest

Support and creation of conservation units.

PROMETA, works on the creation and sustainability of conservation units in critical sites. Over the years it has contributed to the development of more than protected areas, of a national, departmental and local nature, in eight of the nine departments of Bolivia.

Conservation of threatened species

PROMETA works on conservation initiatives for 4 threatened species in three Biogeographic regions of Bolivia; the Andean Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) in the Altiplano, the Chancho Quimilero (Catagonus wagneri) in the Chaco and the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in the Bolivian Tucumana jungle (Subandino).

Through studies, the presence of these species and an approximation of their conservation status based on the official information of the Red Book of Vertebrate Wildlife of Bolivia. At the same time, technical studies are being carried out for the declaration of three municipal protected areas; two in the department of Potosí and one in the department of Tarija; also, in the region of Chaco Seco, the Natural Reserve “El Corbalán” is working on the declaration of a Peace Park between Bolivia and Paraguay in the territory where the Chaco War was fought in the 1930s.

In the past two years, the work of researcher Ximena Velez, within the framework of the work carried out jointly between the Chester Zoo and PROMETA, won the 2017 Whitley Prize.