Environment and Health

PROMETA assumed as an institutional working policy the systemic (holistic) approach, to address the interaction between human activities and the physical, chemical and biological environment in the southern highlands of Bolivia; this is how high Andean livestock (llama, sheep, goats) and their interactions with natural resources (water and native meadows), human health and sanitation were addressed. animal.

This work is coordinated and accompanied by public and private academic entities, and regional and local public entities that have competence in public health, animal health and environmental conservation.

Aguaragüe Mountain Range National Park and Natural Area of Integrated Management (Tarija)

The Aguaragüe was declared a protected area of national interest by the rule of Law Nº 2083, which officially declares it as National Park and Natural Area of Integrated Management. It is located in in the Great Chaco Province, and it occupies three municipalities: Caraparí, Yaciuba and Villamontes of Tarija. The declaration of this site comes to be after hard work raising awareness and education by PROMETA the year 1996, in order to consolidate the area with the population, local and regional decision makers, and in coordination with the Provincial Counsel of Development and the Municipal Association for the Great Chaco Province.

Support and creation of conservation units.

PROMETA, works on the creation and sustainability of conservation units in critical sites. Over the years it has contributed to the development of more than protected areas, of a national, departmental and local nature, in eight of the nine departments of Bolivia.

The Sama Mountain Range Biological Reserve (Tarija)

This biological reserve was created by Supreme Decree Nº 22721 on January 30, 1991 to preserve the ecosystems of the protected area, the endangered flora and fauna, the sources of water for the city of Tarija and nearby communities. To preserve the Tajzara basin which is the only RAMSAR site in Tarija, to guarantee the sustainable use of natural resources and improve the quality of life of the population.

It has an area of 108.500 hectares of which about 43% of its area corresponds to Puna grassland and the rest is divided between dry inter – Andean forest and the Tucuman – Bolivian forest

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

PROMETA promotes measures aimed at: reducing vulnerabilities to natural or anthropogenic threats, increasing the resilience of human groups, reducing the risk of disasters and minimizing their potential damage in coordination with local Decision Makers and Actors.

We have developed a methodology for the assessment of vulnerability, threats and risks associated with climate change and for the development of climate change adaptation plans at the regional and local levels.

Camelid Livestock

PROMETA promotes the revaluation of the breeding of camelid cattle (llama and alpaca) and the sustainable use of vicuña fiber in the altiplano region of southern Bolivia, as a strategy to diversify and increase the economic income of families, the conservation of native prairie, adaptation to climate change, and the linking of products and by-products of the Andean region with consumer markets.

It is supported with the construction of livestock productive infrastructure (water ponds, hay for the conservation of fodder, processing room for products and by-products, flame meat dehydrator},

the transfer of technology for the sowing of fodder for the supplementary feeding of camelid cattle. It also supports the creation and strengthening of producer associations. In the last twelve years, PROMETA, in partnership with the municipality and local communities, has managed to reintroduce a livestock herd of approximately 14 specimens in the highlands of Tarija, helping to conserve the native prairie and raise the standard of living of the community members.


PROMETA in partnership with technical training entities under the Ministry of Education of Bolivia, local and regional governments supports technical training processes of young people through the creation and implementation of technical careers (high Andean livestock, community tourism, community agriculture) whose participants receive a degree at the auxiliary, basic technical level and medium. These careers are identified from the productive vocations of the territories.

We support the development of training curricula, the implementation and evaluation of technical careers. It is important to note that the training process is theoretical – practical, the theoretical classes (30%) are developed in classrooms; while the practical classes (70%) are developed in plots, pens, and in native grazing fields.

Environment and Health

PROMETA assumed as an institutional working policy the systemic (holistic) approach, to address the interaction between human activities and the physical, chemical and biological environment in the southern highlands of Bolivia; this is how high Andean livestock (llama, sheep, goats) and their interactions with natural resources (water and native meadows), human health and sanitation were addressed. animal.

This work is coordinated and accompanied by public and private academic entities, and regional and local public entities that have competence in public health, animal health and environmental conservation.